15 Holiday Traditions To Start With Your Husband

It is getting to be that most wonderful time of the year! For all of you newly-weds (or almost newly-weds) who are going to be celebrating the holidays with your new husband for the first time and are not sure how to combine holiday traditions for your childhood...start your own holiday traditions as husband and wife!

1. Put up your decorations together.

2. Send out Christmas cards.

3. Have a hot chocolate night by the fire.

4. Watch Christmas movies.

5. Go to Christmas festivals.

6. Check out Holiday themed hotels and have a date.

7. Take a horse drawn carriage ride.

8. Build a snowman/make snow angels.

9. Make gingerbread houses.

10. Read the Christmas story in the Bible on Christmas Eve.

11. Bake Christmas cookies together.

12. Go see whatever big blockbuster movie comes out on Christmas day. 

13. Make something special for breakfast on Christmas morning.

14. Get a new ornament together for your tree each year.

15. Go work at a soup kitchen together on Christmas or Christmas Eve.


There are so many holiday traditions you can start with your husband, and these are just a few. What holiday traditions are you going to start this year? 


With love, 
